Fawkner Memorial Park  – Entrance upgrade works

Work commences 15th July

Upgrading works at Fawkner Cemetery Entrance

From July 15 2024, works will begin on upgrading parking, signage, pedestrian access and traffic flow at the Fawkner Memorial Park (FMP) entrance. Access, in and out, will continue as we work on improvements.

Weather dependent, the works are expected to take four weeks to complete and will start with the excavation of the pedestrian path. Concrete work will take place in week two, with final line marking, signage, fencing and clean-up taking place over the final two weeks of the program.

While visitors to FMP can expect occasional lane closures, access in and out of the main gate will remain available for the duration of the works. We’ll have traffic management signage in place to help make things easier.

Please take care when using the entrance area during this time.

For any enquiries, please contact customer care on 1300 022 298.